CreateSpace, USA, 2010, ISBN 978-1450555555
cover and design by Rumen Evtimov
2009 "Ivan Nikolov" National Poetry Prize
The inside of Man is not the man. The outside of Man is not the man.
Inside are the organs. Outside is the rest of the world. Then what?
A rather frail, vibrating, transparent and permeable membrane,
through which matter performs artificial respiration on itself.
With such a diligence the thread seller labours,
so seriously treats his trade, as if
he is about to do whatever the surgeon is going to do.
Doesn’t he look ridiculous, the thread seller,
compared to the surgeon? And the surgeon –
doesn’t he look ridiculous compared to the God’s shepherd?
And the latter – isn’t he totally ridiculous compared to God?
And God – isn’t He a ridiculous God if compared to the thread seller,
who with such a diligence labours?
You are looking for a favourable omen?
Look – the Sun is rising.
tr. by Hristianna